October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Safety, Healing, and Justice for survivors is on the ballot.
Vote, November 3, 2020.
Every October, JDI joins with advocates and survivors around the world to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). It will certainly look different this year as we and our members and allies hold virtual vigils, walks, forums, and community conversations.
This year, these changes only serve to underscore how the needs of survivors during the pandemic have intensified as a result of isolation and difficulty accessing services, how Black and Brown women, immigrants, LGBQTIA+ identfied folx, and others who have been historically marginalized continue to be at greatest risk, and why we must come together to support ALL survivors.
This year we pay tribute to the 14 women, 2 men and three children who were killed since last October here in the Commonwealth. Their lives are not forgotten. (https://janedoe.org/dvhomicides/)
This year, safety, justice and healing for survivors is on the ballot on November 3rd.
And this year, we celebrate new partnerships with the federal Veterans Health Administration to promote White Ribbon, we advocate for funding for these essential services in Massachusetts, and we renew our commitment to prevention.
We invite you to learn more about these various initiatives and commit to doing #1Thing to help prevent domestic violence.
- Check out the resources, information, social media graphics and more at: https://www.dvawareness.org/.
- Watch JDI’s 5 Things with JDI every Wednesday at 11AM on JDI’s Facebook Page as we talk about advocacy and prevention: https://facebook.com/janedoeinccoalition.
- If you or someone you know is a veteran, sign up for their White Ribbon Campaign: https://www.va.gov/health/harassment-free/.
- Participate in activities hosted by local domestic violence programs across Massachusetts. Events listed on this calendar: https://janedoeinc.wildapricot.org/page-1280109.