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Snapshot of JDI’s Current Initiatives

The JDI Team is delighted to share with you highlights of the coalition’s work. In addition to the convenings and opportunities for membership to connect with one another, advocacy on state and federal legislation, budget and systems change including shifting our...

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How does JDI measure a year?

JDI’s 2021 Annual Report: How does JDI measure a year?  Coalition work, reach, and impact can be hard to measure. To us, it came down to 3 words: Advocate, Collaborate and Innovate. In this year’s annual report, we lay out how your support and engagement fueled our...

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Spring Into Action 2022 raises $149K for JDI

JDI's Spring into Action BreakfastHeld In-Person After Two Years On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, JDI members, community leaders, committed sponsors, and friends came together in person and virtually in support of JDI’s work to end sexual assault and domestic violence and...

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Abortion Rights Are Survivors’ Rights

On Tuesday, we all learned that the anticipated U.S. Supreme Court decision set to rollback reproductive rights, abortion access specifically, was in fact likely to happen during this session. With no regard for the needs of sexual assault and rape survivors, those...

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Spring Into Action 2022

The 2022 Spring Into Action breakfast to benefit Jane Doe Inc. is JDI’s signature fundraising event. Don't miss it and the chance to help JDI spring forward! We are thrilled to announce the 2022 Justice In Action awardees: U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins Office of...

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