Economic Empowerment Grants to Sexual and Domestic Violence Survivors Especially Welcomed During Pandemic
Boston, November 11. 2020 – Receiving a grant of $1000 can make a difference at any time, but it is especially helpful now as survivors of sexual and domestic violence face increased financial pressures due to COVID-19. Through a partnership with The Allstate...
Rethinking Our Relationship to the Criminal Legal System
JDI and its 57 member programs have been deeply engaged in learning and action regarding our work around racial equity. Over the years, we have aimed to intentionally ground our prevention programming and policy priorities within a framework that uplifts the needs of...
2020 Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Safety, Healing, and Justice for survivors is on the ballot. Vote, November 3, 2020.Every October, JDI joins with advocates and survivors around the world to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). It will...
Ballot Question 1: Right to Repair
Question 1 on the Massachusetts ballot this year concerns access to mechanical data in a vehicle's on-board diagnostics or telematics system, commonly known as the “Right to Repair Law." We'd like to share with you our thoughts and analysis on this issue and the...
Supreme Court Victories June 2020
The U.S. Supreme Court issued several rulings that will directly impact people who experience sexual and domestic violence and take on special meaning as we collectively rise up and awaken to the demands of the Movement for Black Lives. We must acknowledge that the...
An Apology and Correction from JDI to Breonna Taylor, her legacy and to Black women.
On May 29th JDI shared a public call to action for Black Lives, and unfortunately in our statement, we misspelled Breonna Taylor's name. This action was insensitive and compounds the erasure of Black women. We need to do better, and we promise to do better. A special...
JDI Statement on COVID-19 and People in Jails, Prisons, or Detention Centers
For Immediate Release: May 13, 2020 Contact: Debra Robbin, Executive Director; Hema Sarang-Sieminski, Policy Director; Toni Troop, Communications Director at Talking points and other background information following statementRelease Some People in...
Spring Into Action Goes Virtual
JDI's 2020 Spring Into Action breakfast is going forward...on Zoom. Join us on May 19, 2020 to honor this year's Justice in Action Awardees: Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Bank of America and MORE Advertising. Sign up now at: Together this trio...
JDI and MOVA Statement: Recognizing gun dealers as essential services jeopardizes safety for victims of abuse and more
Joint statement from Jane Doe Inc. and the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance regarding court decision on gun distributors as essential services Issued May 8, 2020 The innate and dangerous connection between the presence of guns in households and domestic...
Preventing Sexual Violence Now…and always as we mark Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Every April for the past five decades, advocates across the country have organized to promote sexual violence awareness and prevention. These efforts grew out of social change movements championed by Black women and women of color. The historical lessons and wisdom to...