Domestic Violence Homicides – Not One More!
The bottom line is that we believe—in fact we know—that domestic violence homicides are predictable, and, therefore, are preventable.
This bold statement has driven much of JDI’s work over the past six years to address the ways that our systems, services, policies, and practices can help keep victims safe and hold offenders accountable.
For many years, JDI collected the names and accounts of victims of domestic violence homicide in Massachusetts. In 2005 JDI embarked on what has become a central issue for the Coalition: the prevention of domestic violence homicides.
JDI identifies cases of domestic violence homicide in Massachusetts through a combination of media reports, alerts from our members, and notification by the district attorneys offices.
JDI considers homicides to be domestic violence-related if any of the following conditions are present:
- The homicide victim and perpetrator were former spouses or intimate partners, adults or teens with a child in common, or adults or teens in a current or former dating relationship;
- The homicide victim was a bystander or intervened in an attempted domestic violence homicide and was killed (including friends, family members, new intimate partners, law enforcement officers or other professionals attempting to assist the victim of domestic violence, roommates and co-workers);
- The motive for the murder was reported to have included jealousy, in the context of an intimate partner or dating relationship;
- A relationship existed between the homicide perpetrator and adult or teen victim that could be defined as exhibiting a pattern of power and control (including family or household members and caregivers).
Massachusetts Domestic Violence Homicide
Helpful Links
- Free and confidential services
- Not One More: A report on Domestic Violence Homicides in Massachusetts from 2003 through 2012
- Media Guide: Reporting on Domestic Violence Related Homicides
- Detailed List 2024: (PDF)
- Narratives 2024: (PDF)
- Detailed List 2023: (PDF)
- Narratives 2023: (PDF)
- Detailed List 2022: (PDF)
- Narratives 2022: (PDF)
- Detailed List 2021: (PDF)
- Narratives 2021: (PDF)
- Listen and offer useful information and resources
- Assist you with filing for a restraining order, if you choose to do so
- Talk with you about safety options for you (and your children)
- Connect you with counseling or legal advocacy.
You are not Alone.
You are the expert about your own life. Trust your gut. Don’t let anyone talk you into doing something that’s not right for you. Reach out for help.
If you or someone you know needs help regarding domestic violence, contact your local program to speak to a trained advocate. Domestic Violence programs provide free and confidential support and advocacy. Here are several of the services they may offer to you:
Your local program is there to provide you important information and resources. It is a place for you to talk about how you feel and what you need to begin to heal. You do not need to leave or even want to leave your relationship in order to get support.
Find Help
No one deserves to be abused or assaulted. No matter what you have been told, what happened to you isn’t your fault. Whether this experience happened recently or in the past, you can call a rape crisis center or a domestic violence program to get the support that you need. Trained advocates provide free and confidential support, connect you with resources, and respect your decisions.

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