JDI in the News

JDI is a sought after expert to comment on and help the public deepen their understanding of current events and their impact on survivors and know where to turn for help. See recent media coverage below and follow us on social for up to the minute news.

The media is a powerful player in shaping the public’s understanding of the causes, prevalence, and solutions to gender-based violence. Domestic and sexual violence, stalking, sexual harassment, human trafficking and other forms of abuse thrive on silence. In turn, engaging the media and advocating for thorough and accurate reporting is a critical function at the Coalition. JDI’s reputation as a solid source for commentary and analysis results in frequent contact and a strong relationship with the media.  We also connect the media with local programs for on the ground perspectives and expertise.

JDI News Coverage

Attorney for 2nd Brown accuser: ‘The NFL acted promptly’

Debra Robbin, executive director for Jane Doe Inc., a statewide advocacy and membership organization addressing sexual assault and domestic violence, explains why we think either the team or the league should have suspended Brown while the civil case proceeds.

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