Media Resources

JDI is committed to ensuring that media coverage accurately reflects the experiences of survivors. Journalists can play a critical role in educating the public and informing systemic change on the personal, community, organizational, and policy levels.

Media requests

We recognize that every minute counts when you´re on deadline. In your coverage of sexual and domestic violence issues/incidents, the expertise and resources of JDI and its statewide network of 60 local sexual and domestic violence programs can help you save time, reduce legwork, ensure accuracy, and get your story out there quickly. We will make every effort to assist you in, please contact:

Resources for Journalists

These guides created by JDI with the help from members of the media aim to help reporters, copywriters, headline writers, and editors with coverage of sexual and domestic violence.

Domestic Violence Homicide Media Guide:

The media has increasingly gotten out the message that domestic violence is a crime and that help is available for victims. It’s essential that these cases are portrayed in context and not only as individual tragedies. Much of the guide is also applicable to general coverage of sexual and domestic violence, stalking, and other forms of abuse.

Strangulation vs. Choking Media Guide:

The difference between the terms strangulation and choking is not semantic as each connotes very different things regarding intent and action. Using appropriate terminology in describing the act of strangulation helps readers (victims, responders, and others) understand this dangerous act of violence. JDI would like to acknowledge the input of journalists, law enforcement, advocates, and survivors in drafting this resource.

JDI Statements and Press Releases

Show Love to Incarcerated Women

S2030, An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium, was reported favorably out of Committee! This bill would create a 5-year pause on the building of new prisons and jails in Massachusetts.   Tell your legislator to vote YES on this common sense...

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VOCA funds at risk

JDI joined dozens of victim service agency leaders in signing a letter to State Senators asking for inclusion of $70 million in ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) budget to save services.  ACTION ALERT: Ask your state senator to support Senator Cyr's Amendment #225   To...

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Mini Grants Make Huge Impact

JDI awarded the 2021 Economic Empowerment grants totaling $10,000 to 10 sexual and domestic violence programs on behalf of 11 survivors from across the Commonwealth.  The grants reflect the resilience, creativity, and dedication of survivors. Scroll down to read their...

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